1. General
  2. 1. General scheme of case-taking
    2. A few special symptoms and signs
    3. Examination of a lump or a swelling
    4. Examination of an ulcer
    5. Examination of a Sinus or a Fistula
  3. Vascular system
  4. 6. Examination of Peripheral Vascular Diseases and Gangrene
    7. Examination of Varicose veins
    8. Examination of the Lympathic system
  5. Muscles, Tendons and Fasciae
  6. 9. Diseases of Muscles, Tendons and Fasciae
  7. Bones and Joints
  8. 10. Examination of diseases of bone
    11. Examination of bone and joint injuries
    12. Examination of injuries about individual joints
    13. Examination of pathological joints
    14. Examination of individual joint pathologies
  9. Head
  10. 15. Examination of Head injuries
    16. Investigation of intracranial space-occupying lesions
    17. Examination of spinal injuries
    18. Examination of spinal abnormalities
    19. Examination of peripheral nerve lesions
  11. Hand and Foot
  12. 20. Examination of the Hand
    21. Examination of the Foot
  13. Head and Face
  14. 22. Examination of the Head and Face
    23. Examination of the Jaws and Temporomandibular joint
    24. Examination of the Palate, Cheek, Tongue and Floor of the mouth
    25. Examination of the Salivary gland
  15. Neck
  16. 26. Examination of the Neck
    27. Examination of the Thyroid gland
  17. Chest
  18. 28. Examination of injuries of the chest
    29. Examination of diseases of the Chest
    30. Examination of the Breast
  19. Abdomen
  20. 31. Examination of Abdominal injuries
    32. Examination of an Acute abdomen
    33. Examination of Chronic abdominal conditions
    34. Examination of an Abdominal lump
  21. Pelvic
  22. 35. Examination of a swelling in the inguinoscrotal region or groin (Except inguinal and femoral hernias)
    36. Examination of male external genitalia
  23. Case study
  24. 37. Examination of dysphagia case
    38. Examination of a rectal case
    39. Examination of a urinary case
    40. Examination of hernia case
1. General scheme of case-taking