1. Principles of Clinical History and Examination
  2. 1. Managing clinical encounters with patients
    2. General aspects of history taking
    3. General aspects of examination
  3. System-based Examination
  4. 4. The cardiovascular system
    5. The respiratory system
    6. The gastrointestinal system
    7. The nervous system
    8. The visual system
    9. The ear, nose and throat
    10. The endocarine system
    11. The reproductive system
    12. The renal system
    13. The musculoskeletal system
    14. The skin, hair and nails
  5. Applying History and Examination skills in Specific Situations
  6. 15. Babies and children
    16. The patient with mental disorder
    17. The frail elederly patient
    18. The deteriorating patient
    19. The dying patient
  7. Putting History and Examination Skills to use
  8. 20. Preparing for assessment
    21. Preparing for practice
Principles of Clinical History and Examination
1. Managing clinical encounters with patients
Hi started

This is the first paragraph.

This is the second one. Lets get started here with the second paragraph

I am the second one.

And I am the last one. Can you please help me??